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sunday morning

Stillness truly is a commodity one should treasure. And one of the few times it shows itself is during the first moments of the day. Though I’m not a proclaimed morning person (quite the opposite actually), once I manage to pry open my eyes, soak in the light, and indulge in my first cup of coffee – those moments that follow are actually quite pleasant when the day’s rush can be put on hold. The view of the city below keeps my mind wandering on dreams of the future and memories of days past.

And weekends at home – don’t even get me started. My daytime wardrobe is lucky if it finds me. Lazy you say? Comfy, I answer. #truestory


photography:KUNDAN KUMAR | camera:NIKON D90 | bralette c/o:TRUE & CO | cuff c/o:MADELEINE ISSING | rings c/o:KINDLING & COMPANY | geo necklace c/o:KINDLING & COMPANY | hotel:W HOTEL



Another great wake-me-up in the am – yoga. Great because you can do it from home and travel (and not have to change) I spent many a day last year practicing Bikram, and with the cool air I find myself missing it terribly. And for the record, for any of you who think yoga is for sissies… try it. I dare you. If you don’t come back with every muscle you never knew existed sore… then you probably didn’t do it right.


Wrapping up for now. Spending the rest of the evening on a powerpoint for work and planning the details of an upcoming trip to D.C. There is probably going to be some Ramen involved as well. Hey, what are weekends for right?


    • thank you! was actually in D.C. this sunday, so no rest for the weary haha but it was a good time, and leaving the office ON-TIME today! yippee lol. hope you had a good weekend =)

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  1. Yoga in the morning, ramen in the evening – sounds like a perfect weekend to me! Comfy clothing is the best. I love staying in my pyjamas all day :p

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  2. Oh how marvelous your figure is. Lazy Sunday? I wish I’ve got this lovely moment like you do:). I have such a life’s rush. The memory of my passed; I used to have 900am daily yoga’s class before the twins. I love doing yoga, it’s my favorite to crack the heck out of my bones. I miss you too xxx:) I finally got the chance to post. Have a lovely weekend beautiful!

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  3. The title of this post ‘Sunday Morning’ reminds me Maroon 5’s old song before Adam Levine went full-on pop. The photos look oh so lovely and your commentary about mornings (or nights, for night owls) and the pauses we take in is quite heavenly meditative. :) xx

    Shanaz | Fashionista NOW

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