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where happiness begins

Happiness starts where positive thoughts prevail. And that is more than easy to master while taking some time off in the heart of the Indian jungle known as Bandhavgarh. Perhaps the closest thing I’ll ever experience to paradise on earth, words can truly never fully express the feelings that arise from being surrounded by such indescribable beauty.

It was like a dream, where the breath of each tree and stone could be heard and felt as if they held as much soul as a human being, whispering stories from centuries of a past life, love, and loss. And the heat in the air, the scent on the wind, and the touch of the cold stone – all sang the same shrouded song in an ethereal, ghostly murmur.

I could have stayed in that place forever. So far from common life, but so full of life that letting go of a previous reality could have been so easy. And beyond the undertones of the jungle itself, the region was bursting with all manner of tropical birds, wild boar, speckled deer, and monkeys galore. We even had a few run-ins with some more untamed locals including jackals, bears, and tigers (oh my!).



The heat was intense but bearable. After several morning moments of pondering what exactly appropriate safari wardrobe consisted of, I decided it was best to stick with the local choice (or at least my version of it). These street market pants are now a staple item in my wardrobe. Note to self: next time – wear a bra. Off-roading in an open jeep can be a bit… jostling…


Shesh Shaiya (along with an ancient military cave dating back to the 1st century AD) was one of the oldest places we visited in all of the India journey. This temple of Vishnu is the origin of river Charanganga, and was used as a sacred bath-house for queens.


Look closely in the center… this big boy was just meters from our jeep. Wishing I had invested in a better zoom lens prior to the trip. Also spotted cub triplets in the morning light of our second safari. (yes, I insisted on going twice) #highmaintenence


Wishing you all a beautiful week. Stay positive, and never stop dreaming #goodvibesonly


  1. Lovely uplifting read, and I think your Safari outfit was near perfect. You were extremely lucky to see a Tiger in the wild, I have been wanting too for years, but alas it is still on my list. Your words however do resinat with me – I love the wilderness and the sheer beauty of nature, its something I can’t get enough of. A Wandering Memory

    Liked by 1 person

    • many thanks for your thoughtful words dave. it truly was an experience of a lifetime, and looks like your life is full of those! may you continue to have safe travels and an amazing journey


    • how cool! I have already subscribed to your blog – couldn’t resist the amazing travel posts so I’ll definitely stay posted on your upcoming trip! have an incredible journey – such a safari is definitely on my bucket list. looking forward to seeing the photos


  2. Doreen's Style Diary says

    Your trip sounds like an amazing experience. You look so good in this white outfit. I totally agree with this “Happiness starts where positive thoughts prevail”.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow this place looks amazing. Never knew about it but it’s on my bucket list now. Definitely understand going twice! Also your all-white outfit is beautiful. No one does minimal like you :) xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Wilderness – Kruger – South Africa | A Wandering Memory

  5. Wow that big boy was so close to your jeep! Looking so fierce too! Love your travel posts Kristina especially your India posts. So insightful to learn about different cultures and the way of life in countries other than ours. You look so chic too, your take on the minimal trend is spectacular! :) xo~ Lena

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: so you think you can play with the big cats | day in my dreams

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