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fly away with me

Happy New Years Eve! By far the most anticipated holiday of the year for me… not because one has to wait the longest for it to arrive, but because everyone needs fresh starts, new goals, and a new mantra to live by. For the past several years, I’ve always thought out one phrase that I really want to Post-it note to my mind through the following year. Cheesy I know, but it helps me stay focused and driven to accomplish (not so much a goal) but a new way of seeing things.

Last year, overwhelmed with 70+ hour work weeks, a plethora of personal life chaos, a lot of life changes, etc (you get the point, we’ve all been there)… my mantra for 2014 has been, “Striving for perfection is in vain. Instead, succeed in making progress.” -me ;)  Because when you take on the world, sometimes it’s a bigger bite than we can handle, but piece at a time – you can really accomplish anything. This past year through those struggles, some life-long goals have been accomplished, and a few battles have been won, and I find myself in a place wondering, what exactly is next? So allow me to share my over-thought thoughts for this upcoming year, hope you feel inspired, and do share what your thoughts are on the new year.

“Who you are is not of fate. It’s a moment in time, a belief, a choice, an action, a thought – all of which are your own. Wield it accordingly.” -yours truly

These photos mark the beginning of one of those more crazy times of the past year. At the airport, waiting to board the jet that would take me to Florida to help my brother move back to VA (yay!), with an immediate returning train ride to NYC for FFaNY week, followed by two trips to WI (that’s a 16 hour drive one way ladies and gents) helping my Mom settle into her new business .  All jam packed into 4 weeks, and oh did I mention that those weeks also included Thanksgiving, Christmas, both my mom’s and my birthdays, and a couple of the busiest work-weeks of the year? #thatslife #itsnotactuallybad #infactiloveit #donewithhashtagsfornow #sorrynotsorry

2014 1126 fly with me 02

photography:KUNDAN KUMAR | camera:CANNON 5D MARK III | leggings:NASTYGAL | boots:NICOLE | hat:BRIXTON | rings:FOREVER21

2014 1126 fly with me 052014 1126 fly with me 082014 1126 fly with me 17 2014 1126 fly with me 062014 1126 fly with me 07   2014 1126 fly with me 192014 1126 fly with me 112014 1126 fly with me 14 2014 1126 fly with me 18  2014 1126 fly with me 16Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset


  1. samuelwthomas says

    Great outfit and more importantly great writing too. I’m pleased to have come across your blog!
    Wishing you all the best for 2015.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: what it means to just let go | day in my dreams

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