All posts tagged: fall

fall fashion

this time last year

This time last year, I was a different person, but weren’t we all? Just like the unremitting flux of the seasons, we continue to shed our leaves and go through stages of dormancy, change and regrowth. Yet somehow, part of us always remains the same, the core of our being, who we are, always were, and will always be. This time last year, my hair was darker, complexion lighter, and my skin had fewer scars and freckles from life’s undertakings. But physical change is a part of nature, and no being is excluded from it’s irrevocable effects. It’s a blessing to have been given the opportunity and time that these signs of weathering were born from. This time last year, I had gone through fewer heartbreaks, hurts and struggles. But had not yet had the opportunity to learn from them, and grow stronger instead of harder. It’s important to embrace both the wonderful and seemingly inconvenient and regrettable junctures in life – which is the place we often learn the most. This time last year, …

day in my dreams

Took a dive, started on a whim, and ended up being one of the most incredible adventures I could have asked for – Happy 1st year anniversary to day in my dreams. The experience is beyond what I could ever have expected it to be, and you have made it that. Thank so much for supporting me from the very beginning through this first year. Your encouragement and inspirations have not only kept me blogging, but also brightened many days in my own personal life, like a close group of friends along for one of life’s many journeys. Having this opportunity to take something that is a passion and inner release for me, and being able to share that and interact with so many incredibly talented people, brands, and companies – is something I will be forever grateful for. I feel truly blessed. Also, feeling a bit cheesy (but truly want to know how grateful I am for each of you) after this extended speech – so let’s get back to it shall we? Thought it appropriate to make …

grey goose on the rocks

First post in the new year! *popping champagne* (any excuse for some Veuve). When I began this blogging journey, I really wasn’t sure what to expect – If I’d have the umph to stick with it,… or if anyone would give two hoots about what I was wearing, or the plethora of random thoughts spilled out on here. But three months later, I’m breaking into the new year still going, and I have to say, the love and support I’ve received from you all has been completely overwhelming, and been the highlight of many days past, and I hope for many to come. Highlights from these first few months include getting followed by a few of my favorite brands, reaching the little milestones along the way (literally my boyfriend is so sick of me jumping on the furniture every time someone likes a post haha),  old friends that have somehow come upon my blog and actually encouraged me instead of poking fun (no, I still haven’t told them),… …and most of all, the new friends …

fly away with me

Happy New Years Eve! By far the most anticipated holiday of the year for me… not because one has to wait the longest for it to arrive, but because everyone needs fresh starts, new goals, and a new mantra to live by. For the past several years, I’ve always thought out one phrase that I really want to Post-it note to my mind through the following year. Cheesy I know, but it helps me stay focused and driven to accomplish (not so much a goal) but a new way of seeing things. Last year, overwhelmed with 70+ hour work weeks, a plethora of personal life chaos, a lot of life changes, etc (you get the point, we’ve all been there)… my mantra for 2014 has been, “Striving for perfection is in vain. Instead, succeed in making progress.” -me ;)  Because when you take on the world, sometimes it’s a bigger bite than we can handle, but piece at a time – you can really accomplish anything. This past year through those struggles, some life-long goals have been accomplished, and …

man tailored

First of all, don’t mind the same J Brand jeans two post in a row… told you they were a staple! (I did laundry I swear) Second of all, these photos were taken on 11/11, the month and day, not the time – however I am considering them to be lucky all the same. Lastly, I know it’s been a hot spell since my last post, travels have kept me away, but I’ll be sure to fill you in on the posts to come. For now let’s just say the past 10 days I have been in NYC, Wisconsin, Florida, and finally back home to Virginia. So the short of it – I’m going to bed immediately after this post is written, even though it’s currently 7:15PM. What it is (in my best gangster voice): The coat is called Ada by Marc New York, so immediately I thought it would be fabulous. The leather detailing on the sleeves sold me in a heartbeat. Sadly, it collects lint like CRAZY. Had this discussion with a couple …

falling out

Fall, along with it’s brilliant colors and crisp air, brings mixed feelings… Truly it’s one of the most breathtaking times of the year. One could never replace the smell of turning leaves catching in the wind, the brightness of the sky in those moments at dawn and dusk, and the warmth of the sun in the afternoons. But a certain undertone of the darkest sadness sets in with the realization that summer has past, and the death of the growing things on the earth will bring on the set of the bitterness of winter. The sky now darkens in the evenings before one has time to rush home for supper, and the once pleasant walks in the evenings are now most dreaded. Winter, we’re braced but never ready. Staying bundled up and warm, so unless we get an onset of Indian Summer, expect a lot of layers for the next few months. Wearing a new overcoat from BlackFIVE which I refused to take off even for photos. These Jbrand jeans are one of the most …

when it’s all said and done

I’ve been waiting a solid week to make this post – actually longer if you consider the time from when I found this coat and created the outfit in my head. Perhaps it’s absurd to get so excited over one article of clothing, but frankly I don’t care. It was love from the moment I spotted this too-soft, toasty, perfectly shaded overcoat. And where was it hiding, no other than T.J. Maxx. Yes I’m a bit obsessed with that place, and this particular shopping trip really broke the bank. But how could one resist. This Geianni Feraud masterpiece was a fraction of the original price (I’m getting shaky just thinking about it). The find would have been the highlight of my week, other than the fact I finally got to take a long fall drive to do nothing but admire the season. Photographed every inch of this earth from point A to point B on the mini trip. The rest of it – a mixed pot from the good to very good. Bargain pieces include …

cold beach hot coffee

Just returned from the most lovely trip to VA beach which I visited for a shoot (more on that later in the year) Spent the extra down time on the beach of course. First day was a balmy mid-70’s type day – perfect for strolling along the sea. The second day (which these photos are from) was FREEZING. Nastygal fleece and Starbucks came to the rescue, so sorry you’re going to see this jacket twice. I believe in packing light. However, I couldn’t resist being that tourist that regardless of the season, had to jet to the beach at 7:00am to catch the sunrise – even through the shivers. Bonus of a cold beach is that we had it all to ourselves! It actually made for quite a charming morning. Though my photographer may have disagreed… Wearing a new shop for the first time called BlackFive. I was apprehensive to order due to mixed reviews online, however the entire lot I purchased from them (and I did purchase a lot) were fantastic! Good quality for …