blog, fashion
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bloggers bend both knees

Had a funny, brief IG conversation with a friend Samuel from Style Over Substances about the awkward things bloggers do to get just the right shots. Things that non-bloggers (and bloggers alike) would probably be on the floor cracking up about it if they were to have any clue, or (God forbid) witness any one of these travesties. One of mine that started the convo – balancing my iPhone on a coffee table, and sprinting to my couch (…. several times… like, literally 20 times. ok 30…) to get a seemingly relaxed living room shot when I was home by myself. Another one – the fake walk. Don’t lie to me, I know you’ve done it too. And one of those even stranger components I’ve noticed about said fake walk… bending both knees makes it somehow look more natural…. even though I’m pretty sure no one bends both knees so far down in a regular stride.

So please tell me because I’m dying to know – what are the most peculiar things you’ve found yourself doing as a blogger in the name of fashion? Or for you non-bloggers – just to get that perfectly flawless selfie. (really, isn’t that’s what this blogging gig is about) #selfie

Draped in Front Row Shop and some classic staples. Forgive the battered mules, they’ve been through a lot. Will replace soon… probably with the same pair. (they’ve served me well)

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photography:KUNDAN KUMAR | camera:CANNON 5D MARK III | duster:THRIFTED | tunic:TJMAXX | jacket:FRONT ROW SHOP | pant: EXPRESS | mules:NICOLE | accessories:FOREVER21

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  1. What a chic ensemble!! You did it again Kristina! Street fashion must be your middle name because you rock it like you own it! And those mules~ such a fun pair and it looks so comfy too! I have a pair of strappy mules and I love how it’s gets the fashion job done right no matter what I wear. Have a lovely day dear!! xo~ Lena

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  2. samuelwthomas says

    Ha ha ha! I’m as pleased as punch that you made a post out of our Insta conversation – a bloody brilliant post I might add. Actual LOLZ. Looking natural is awkward in photos, I can never manage to do it on my own. I normally need chivvying along or strict direction. Failing that, you can always ham it up.
    On a more serious note, your clothing is SO on point and you are the perfect model. I absolutely adore your blog!
    Thanks for the shout out too darling, that was so sweet.
    Samuel xxx

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    • haha I know exactly what you mean about looking for the right locations! I have one blankish wall at my office… all the others I have to drive 20 minutes just to get to!


      • Yep, I am also still having trouble taking self-pics. Most times they are not in focus:( I must find a way as it’s not easy to get a photographer every time I need a shoot:)


  3. Haha great post! I definitely know what you’re talking about with the “fake walk”
    Love that coat – it’s the perfect length and colour! These photos look like they’re from a magazine spread :) xx

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