All posts tagged: vevelle

just when things were getting interesting

Enjoyed a bit of unorthodox leisure time last week. Between checking off some of those dusty to-do’s and enjoying a couple evenings over a glass of wine (and by a glass, yes… I do mean bottle), I was also also able to catch the flick Kingsman. Antiquated as the concept may be, I can’t get enough of the gentleman = lethal spy plot. Guys, in case you haven’t figured it out yet – suits are to women, as lingerie is to men. We find it attractive when you at least look like you’ve got your sh** together. And really, if you can’t bear to get out of your stained collage T and torn jeans on occasion, just bear this in mind: you don’t wear it, neither will we. #yourenotthebossofme #unlessyoulooklikeone Something about leather pants aways does it for me. Look out world. Today has just begun. photography:KUNDAN KUMAR | camera:NIKON D90 | blouse c/o:LOOKBOOK STORE | leather pants:JOES | boots:NICOLE | bag:VINCE CAMUTO | silk scarf c/o:VEVELLE | cuff c/o:MOORTOWN | stack necklaces c/o:ROCKSBOX (use my code: dayinmydreamsxoxo for a free …

hey there slick

Apparently have an unquenchable taste for all-black lately. I swear I’ll branch out later this week… maybe. I’ve been musing over Instagram’s never ending inspirations, and really feeling the knee-ripped jeans and succulent vibes. Unfortunately, I don’t have a green thumb, so I’ll have to live sans pop of spiny greenery for now. However, here’s my nod to western undertones, the minimalist’s edition of course. photography:KUNDAN KUMAR | camera:NIKON D90 | top:EXPRESS | jeans:ROCKSTAR | bucket bag c/o:THE LEATHER COLLECTIVE | silk scarf c/o:VèVèlle | timepiece c/o:FJORD | boots c/o:OTBT By far my favorite bag silhouette of the year, introducing my very first (and favorite) bucket bag from The Leather Collective. Hand crafted hide, this piece has been my go-to since it arrived. (was that just an adorable, unplanned rhyme… yes… yes it was.) What I like about it: bucket bags roomy enough to haul around my daily equipment needs, without being as bulky as a tote. Plus I’m a huge sucker for rich leather, so this was a no brainer for me. Their designs have a nice …